
A unique opportunity to reach new heights in your favorite sport! With our chessinars you will be able to listen to the lectures of some of the best chess coaches in the world, participate in interactive discussions and watch the video content afterwards.


TopicDescriptionLanguageSpeakerStart timeDurationRatingPrice, EUR 
Vladimir Kramnik's brilliant games. Part2 Vladimir Kramnik's brilliant games

GM, FIDE Senior Trainer Yuriy Yakovich
18/02/25 19:30 (CET) 60 For chess lovers and club players 20

Positional sacrifice A positional sacrifice does not lead to a direct attack on the king and does not promise a quick rec...

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GM, FIDE Senior Trainer Yuriy Yakovich
25/02/25 19:30 (CET) 60 For chess lovers and club players 20

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